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i got a spoof email today and figured i'd actually click on it to test the IE7 security settings. while it did identify it as a suspicious site, i'm wondering if it was BOLD enough? at first glance, i was looking for the detection...

but after i apply the mother-in-law factor, i'm not convinced it passed that litmus test and that the MIL-factor (no, i'm not going to say MILF) fails on this user experience -- needs to stand out more IMO

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sharepoint mvp jan tielens put up some sharepoint web part code snippets for visual studio 2005 on his latest post.

hey jan, why don't you put them up on GotCodeSnippets.NET?! :-)

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down with the ie hacks!  have you been implementing css hacks on your site because of various ie implementation...ahem...bugs challenges?  here's your call to action.

first, subscribe to the IE team blog.  hey you can use Squeet to do it: Squeet the IEBlog.

second, visit this link and view the postings about the hacks that won't work so well in IE7 now that the challenges have been fixed and IE7 is rendering standards compliant.

this is your call to action to get your sites working.  don't have IE7? get the beta 2 preview today: download IE7B2!!!

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...and i just wanna save my game...

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