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a recent eweek article points to a possible new flaw in a recent ie6 patch from ms.  if you are a designer and especially utilize dhtml/javascript functions, you should be reading this article.

[Source: Nick Bradbury]

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patent infrigment ruling against ms...ouch

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for those in az, i'm presenting at the .net user group tomorrow night...an overview of asp.net whidbey.


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so for the past three days my entire family has been sick...no flu symptoms (thank goodness), but enough of all the good stuff you can read about on a nyquil bottle.  this included my 1 year old daughter, and as new parents you could imagine the paranoia setting in my wife every time the little one caughs through the monitor...

i got up the nerve to go to my client's site today as there just were some things that could not be done through vpn (thank heavens for vpn).  earlier in the week, one server crashed...hardware failure...a flicker of the windows bsod and out to lunch she went...haven't recovered that one yet.  this morning i arrive to an unplanned meeting, no big deal...give me some time to not glare at a screen for a while...nonetheless a meeting in the morning is never good.

blow nose about 100 times...

after the meeting, functionality that wasn't supposed to be worked on (can you say scope creep? say it with me now scoooppppeee creeeep...and i'm not talking about the mouthwash people) all of the sudden needed attention...that took most of my day (we're at the end of phase 1, hashing out bugs, er...um...i mean functionality enhancements).  after that, more stuff i wasn't supposed to be doing, but nonetheless pressure from the higher ups (the guy who normally takes the heat is gone on vacation for the rest of the year...can't deflect anymore...damn it).

blow nose 200 more times...nose is getting raw now from kleenex

right before the end of the day, a nice message of “c drive is 90% full” shows up in my inbox for our second web server...crap...two down?  i look at the server and the sharepoint search is out to lunch...but the attempts somehow took up all the drive space on the c partition...which is what caused the other web server to crash initially...great...what a way to end the day.  message goes off to project sponsor saying that our ramshackle hosting isn't working out to well (i wish i could tell you about this hosting, but i shall not).

blow nose 50 more times (feeling a bit better)...

drive home in relatively no traffic on a beautiful night (beautiful because it isn't a million degrees in arizona anymore)...my exit of the freeway is still closed (yet the construction sign still blinking that it was only to be closed from 11/10 -11/11...nice).  so i take the next exit...and have to make a loop around...a few minutes pass...and i noticed some odd colored lights in my rearview mirror...funny they are red and blue...damn it.

pull over...police woman asks how fast i was going (of course i have no idea, but apparently too fast) and say she'd been following me for a few miles while i was exceeding the speed limit and wondered why i didn't see her.  i really didn't care at that point, i was having a bad day and this just made it worse...out of no where, i get a warning and a “do me a favor and slow down” -- holy crap...never before has this happened to me (not that i'm a traffic felon).  i took my license, and off i was...home to work on other projects...

maybe nyquil will put me out of my misery tonight...


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not sure if this is a repost for microsoft or not, but it showed up as a new download today...

windows sharepoint services sdk